FIDE World Championship - Solid London liquified for Ding, Gukesh in Game 10
Day 10 Game 10 of FIDE World Championship 2024
Solid London liquified for Ding, Gukesh in Game 10
With high expectations for a decisive result, Ding confidently played the d4 move from London opening with the white pieces, making his second attempt at the London opening after previous success outside this tournament. The white square Bishop remained on rank 2 for an extended period, contrasting the initial gameplay in London.
Gukesh demonstrated strategic thinking by initiating an attack on the London dark square Bishop with his Knight after the opening moves were played, aiming to level the playing field with the Black pieces. The white square Bishop for Gukesh needed some TLC to develop and he managed to do so after trading off the queens and some pieces.
With the Rooks and some minor pieces, pawns and the Kings on the board for both, Ding and Gukesh played with accuracy to control the game to end in a three-fold repetition with the white square Bishops repeating the moves on locking the pawns to finish with a result of 1/2-1/2 in game 10.
With 4 games left for the World Championship title, again the score is balanced with 5 points each.
Well, the spectators hoped an exciting game for today but the players had other plans in game 10. The match turned out to be a test of skill and strategy rather than a display of flashy play.